Q&A With the Authors

We would love to hear from you. Please post your questions about contemplative photography, comments about the book, or other observations about contemplative mind and life. We will do our best to respond to whatever you post. (Please keep in mind that we are running as fast as we can, and may not get to this as soon we would like.)

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Recent Questions and Answers:

Permission required?


Hello, I'm currently working on a short article (somewhat a summary for your book) to be posted in my blog (in Arabic). However, because of the lack of material from my side, I would love to take examples for each assignment from your website to be displayed in the post when it is due - if done, a mention for the resource will be due of course (as the article is already a summary of your book in the first place). Thus, I'd kindly like to request a permission to use some shots from this website. Thanks! TJ


TJ, this sounds like a very nice project. The copyright for images on this site is retained by the photographers. As a registered user you can contact them directly for permission to use their work.

Does a picture necessarily fit in one category?


Is it possible that a picture we take doesn't fully fit in one of the category? Or could it be that it fits in several categories? Sometimes I take a picture and I am not able to say what attracted my eye the most, sometimes it is just a little bit everything, a general scene...


Of course that's the case. The point of the catagories is that we are proposing a set of training assignments, and when people do the assignments, they submit images correspond to the assignment catagory.