Q&A With the Authors

We would love to hear from you. Please post your questions about contemplative photography, comments about the book, or other observations about contemplative mind and life. We will do our best to respond to whatever you post. (Please keep in mind that we are running as fast as we can, and may not get to this as soon we would like.)

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Recent Questions and Answers:



I am curious if we get feedback from the authors on our photo submissions...? Thank You, Michel


We receive a large number of photos each day—more than we would be able to give feedback on. Most of the images are posted to the site, although sometimes to different galleries than they are submitted to. Only photographs that don't seem to involve any fresh seeing are not posted.

An additional feature


As I study the wonderful images on your site, I find that I am learning by example. Occasionally I will browse the submittals by the photographer, and then ask myself which element (meaning, gallery) is the image illustrating. To satisfy my curiosity I will then backtrack to browse a gallery that appears to me as the most suitable. Often I discover a disconnect - I'll locate the image in a different gallery than what I've chosen. Interestingly enough, this path seems to reinforce my learning efforts. However, I am thinking that many may find this information beneficial while viewing the image details. Would you agree, and if it is possible, maybe consider adding this "gallery tag" to the image details?


Thanks a lot for this good suggestion. Let's see if this can be easily implemented.